Tigger Happy
Scott Walker played his cards on the table and it was obvious he had a really bad hard-on for crushing the democrats. I think his sexual frustration really laid it in totally fucking them as they obviously have been haunting his soul for years. I don't really know if it was the millions of dollar that David Koch was promising Walker, or if he was just getting off on being the next Ronald Regan, who really knows?
I really don't know where this rightest blood lust is going these days, but it is pretty scary.
There seems to be an all out war against the classes in the US these days. Maybe it is just that total capitalism only works when there are no limits on growth, and all the right wing think tanks have realized there are limits. I guess they finally figured out that the only thing left to prey on now is the lower classes. After all - it is pretty clear that the US cannot compete on the global stage anymore with China and India taking the stage.
Just don't forget all those right wing think-tanks are not filled with stupid people. They are elite thinkers paid to analyze the truth. It is just a truth that the right wing is not sharing with everyone.